Helping others in grief.

Have you noticed that funerals are different than they used to be? I love that we now call them celebrations of life where the emphasis is on the positive impact the person made and that we get to celebrate it. Of course we’re sad and filled with grief, but todays memorial services have a different tone I believe. One where we can celebrate having know them and been blessed by them and in my faith, rejoice in ever-lasting life.

So why I am talking about funerals? What does interior design have to do with grief? 

My brother recently passed away and we were able to have his memorial service at the Anderson-TeBeest Funeral Home in Granite Falls. I had designed the space personally a few years ago and so it was quite special being able to celebrate his life with family and friends in a lovely, bright, welcoming space. In other words, not your typical dreary stuffy funeral home. The atmosphere made it easier to celebrate Bob’s life just by being uplifting.

Today I’m going to show you a few of the before and another photos of another one of the TeBeest’s Funeral Homes that I just completed in Montevideo, MN. I loved doing the transformation physically for sure, but emotionally too. If someone’s spirits are made just a little bit lighter when they first walk into either these funeral homes, then I’ve accomplished my goal. I applaud Kevin and Judy TeBeest for taking the initiative to invest in a new, modern funeral home style where we can feel truly comfortable celebrating  life. I’m only including a few of the main photo in todays blog. If you would like to see all of the before and after photos from this project I’ve included a video at the end of the blog…please check it out.

(If you’re interested in seeing the pictures from the first funeral home in Granite falls: (Click here to see after pictures of GF funeral home project)  )

Keeping the Sacred. 


BEFORE: When first entering the chapel I was impressed by two things. No, it wasn’t the fabric covered wall board or the heavy drapes. It was the height of the ceiling and the white wood piece in the front center. The front of the chapel had beautiful scrolled woodwork that reflected a part of the funeral home’s history. Given its natural beauty it was easy to make it the feature of the newly designed space.

AFTER: The white scrollwork is flanked by gorgeous stone columns that go all the way to the top of the arch. The deep blue paint choice makes the white stand out and become the focal point of the chapel. New wall sconces and chandeliers bring in the elegance and grace for the sacred space.

Making the most of your assets. 

BEFORE: This is one of the best rules in design…make the most of your assets. Sometimes its the view or a great stuructural feature, here it was the front wood work as shown above and 5 thirteen foot high windows along the right side. The owners prefer to keep the area as private as possible for their guests and so the windows were covered in a heavy quilted fabric to assure privacy.

AFTER: To make the most of these assets we custom created dramatic floor to ceiling drapery panels and blinds.  The guests privacy is still fully respected, just in a much prettier way.


Making an Entrance

BEFORE: First impressions are a big deal in any business and this main entry was ready for a new look. The colors and furnishings were outdated and needed a refresh.

AFTER:  What a transformation right? The first impression now is, ‘Wow, this is certainly not your typical funeral home’. Custom stonework, track lighting and a whole lot of new furnishings reflect a contemporary, classy and welcoming feel the moment you step in the front door.

As you can guess it was an amazing project and I feel honored to have been a part of creating something so beautiful.

If you have a commercial space that needs a refresh, please contact me through my

If you would like to see all of the before and after photos of this project click here to watch the video.


Thanks for stopping by… till next time…Design with excellence!  Betsy

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